occupational therapist & child development specialist

Tag: Handwriting

Handwriting Without Tears is a Great Program for Handwriting Instruction

Handwriting Without Tears is a wonderful multisensory writing program for children with special learning needs. This post will share some information about the program and the specific products that I use as a pediatric occupational therapist with my students in the school system.


The Handwriting Without Tears workbook that you will want to use with preschool and kindergarten students is the “Get Set for School” workbook. It’s great because it uses music, movement, building, coloring, and other activities to help children develop color and shape awareness, fine and gross motor control, letter and number recognition and counting skills.For kindergarten students, the “Letters and Numbers for Me” workbook is a must! This workbook teachers correct upper and lower case letter formation as well as number formation. First grade students will move on to “My Printing Book”, and second graders should use “Printing Power”. Finally, there is a cursive handwriting workbook for third graders that is excellent. For more information  on the program visit their site, and to learn more about fine motor skills and handwriting, visit my blog @ http://drzachryspedsottips.blogspot.com/.

Should I hold my child back from starting kindergarten?

Many children just make the age cutoff to start kindergarten, and parents sometimes have a difficult time deciding whether to send their youngster on to school or hold him back for a year. There are pros and cons to either decision, but there are several factors that parents may want to take into consideration when deciding whether or not to move forward with kindergarten.

  • How mature is your child for her age? Does she play well with children slightly older than her, or does she typically play with younger peers/siblings.
  • What does your child’s preschool have to say on the matter? This is usually one of your best sources of information. Your child’s teacher will know if your little one has the social, motor, and/or academic skills needed for kindergarten.
  • Speak to the staff at the new school. Are children often held back? What are the demands for the kindergarten year?
  • Talk to other parents who have held their children back, as well as those who have not. Listen to the pros and cons and carefully consider all of this information before making your decision.

Click here to read a great story that CBS News did on this topic. Be sure to watch the video segment as well.

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