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Life can be extremely busy, but don’t let that deter you from bonding with your baby.  You can always find the time in the midst of your busy days to spend quality time with your infant, which will help the two of you build a lifetime bond.  Here are several tips for bonding with your baby:

  • “Wear” your baby whenever possible.  Using an age appropriate wrap or sling will ensure that your baby feels your presence while keeping your hands free.  Baby wearing can be calming for infants, and it helps them learn about movement as well as their world.
  •  Make feeding time special- Nursing or giving your bottle a baby can be a quiet bonding time that both of you enjoy.  Make opportunities to be skin to skin so that your infant can smell your scent and relax during this special time.
  • Keep baby close- While your newborn is sleeping, keep the bassinet or crib close to your bed so that you will know when your baby needs you.  This also makes feeding times simpler since baby is close by.
  • Respond- Your baby’s cry is how she communicates with you.  It’s her way of letting you know if she’s cold, hot, wet or hungry.  Be sure to respond to your infants cries as this is how she learns to trust.
